Good Afternoon, On March 22, 2020, Governor Kim Reynolds issued a Proclamation of Emergency Disaster. In this Proclamation, Governor Reynolds temporarily suspended a number of regulatory provisions applicable to your profession. A guidance document has been created to assist you in interpreting the proclamation. The document can be found by visiting https://idph.iowa.gov/Licensure, selecting your board from the left menu bar, and then clicking on 'Guidance Related to Governor Reynolds Proclamations and COVID-19' from the main page of your board. The Proclamation eases administrative rules relating to renewal of licenses, continuing education, and background checks. The suspension of rules identified in the Proclamation is effective through April 16, 2020, unless the Governor terminates or extends the Proclamation. Should you have any questions please contact the Bureau of Professional Licensure by email at plpublic@idph.iowa.gov for the quickest response. We continue to answer phone calls and emails, however processing times may be slower than usual as the majority of staff are working from home. Also note, during the COVID-19 response, personal protective equipment (PPE) is in high demand. Please preserve PPE and consider donating equipment to your local emergency management coordinator to help support our healthcare workforce.
Professional Licensure Online Services Web Site: https://ibplicense.iowa.gov Professional Licensure Web Site: www.idph.iowa.gov/Licensure Lucas State Office Building, 321 E. 12th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-0075 Phone: 515-281-0254 - Fax: 515-281-3121 - Relay Iowa 711 or 1-800-735-2942 (TTY)