Ashley Danielson is our new President-Elect! Thank you to everyone for voting in our special election. We are excited to have Ashley in this role and are grateful for her leadership in the Iowa Academy!
Ashley’s passion as a Registered Dietitian came to life after a career change. She attended ISU for her second undergrad degree and her internship, and then enjoyed working for Hy-Vee as an in-store and corporate RDN for five years. Most recently, Ashley transitioned to the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center (Iowa Department of Health and Human Services) as their Nutrition Coordination Director. Her work is focused on building the capacity of senior nutrition programs, showcasing work of innovative grantees, nutrition content, marketing, and connecting nutrition professionals across the country. Her background has provided a combination of leadership, recruitment, and partnerships with other businesses and healthcare professionals within the community.
Ashley is a foodie, loves to be in the kitchen, and loves a great restaurant! On a perfect day, she would spend some time at the yoga studio and then enjoy being outside with her family.
I’ve really enjoyed being a member of IAND for almost ten years! My previous roles include CIDDA President-Elect and President, and the Nominating Committee, where I am currently serving as the Nominating Committee Chair.
As President-Elect and future President, I hope to connect more with our current IAND members, but also, to reconnect with non-members. Being able to advocate for our profession right now is so important, and we all need to be on the front line together - to learn more and to exemplify the amazing work that we all do.
Additionally, I want to bring us all back together. This includes all of our RDs, NDTRS, Dietetic Interns and Dietetic students within our state. Doing this will continue to provide opportunities for our members such as social connection, career growth, continued education, public policy and more.
I’m excited for this opportunity to get to know all of you more, and serve our members within the State of Iowa!