What’s the difference between Greek, Icelandic, French and Australian yogurts? And which is better for your health? During this media segment, Hy-Vee Registered Dietitian Anne Cundiff explains the differences and how to choose the best.
Pro tip:
Look for a yogurt that’s low in sugar; bonus points for no added sugar.
4 Types of Yogurt
1. Greek - Made by straining extra whey liquid.
2. Icelandic - Made by straining even more liquid, making it thicker than Greek.
3. French - Unstrained and made in individual glass jars vs. a large vat.
4. Australian - Unstrained and made with whole milk or cooked slower and longer.
Choosing for Health
Dietitian pick for weight loss, diabetes management, blood pressure and cholesterol:
Danone Two Good Greek Yogurt
2 grams of sugar
80 calories
No aspartame, sucralose or acesulfame K
Coconutty Cream Pie Yogurt Dip
Pair this dip with fruit for a protein-fiber combination that’s good for lowering cholesterol.
All you need:
1 5.3 oz container Two Good Greek Vanilla Low fat Yogurt
1 tbsp creamy almond butter (or other nut butter)
¼ tsp cinnamon
1 tsp shredded and toasted coconut
1 tsp mini chocolate chips
Pineapple chunks or spears and strawberries (for dipping)
All you do:
Mix yogurt, nut butter and cinnamon together in a bowl.
Sprinkle coconut and chocolate chips on top.
Serve with fruit for dipping.
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