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Final Call to Action: Threat to Dietetics Licensure

Final Call to Action: Threat to Dietetics Licensure

Calling all Iowa Academy Members and Iowa Dietitians! 

We are in the final stretch of advocacy regarding the Boards and Commissions bill. Below are some updates and calls to action. 

It is critical that legislators get reminders ASAP regarding the threat to dietetics licensure, even if they have already heard from you in the past. They are likely to be voting and making decisions on this bill over the next week. 


  • On Wednesday, April 10th, the Senate passed SF 2385 (30 to 14), which includes the elimination of dietetics licensure and the Board of Dietetics. 

  • The House has generally been supportive in keeping our profession OUT of the Boards and Commissions bill (HF 2574). However, it is important that they stay firm in this decision as negotiations occur with the Senate over the next week (or two).  

Cues to action: 

Note: If you prefer to email your legislator directly, there is also an updated email template that has been drafted for you to use when contacting legislators. For your convenience, there are two versions of the template- a House and Senate one. Please ensure you are copying from the correct template. 

Resources attached: 

  • Updated email template 

  • Licensure handout 

  • Board of Dietetics handout 

As always, reach out with questions:

Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Public Policy Team: Cat Rudolph, Kaitlyn Scheuermann, and Tina Bauermeister



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