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Back-to-School… and Back on Track! Consistency Challenge

It's already August, and whether we like it or not, the days of summer are dwindling. Bathing suit season may be mostly behind you, but that doesn't mean it's time to abandon your healthy efforts! Maybe your vacations and kids; activity schedules have taken precedence over your exercise routine. Maybe, now that summer is coming to an end, it's time to get back on track and consciously recommit to your healthy lifestyle.

You know how you feel when you have a really "on" day? Where you';ve exercised, eaten well,and feel like a million bucks when your head hits the pillow at night? As the first day of school quickly approaches, why not challenge yourself to make a concerted effort to have as many "on" days as possible? This challenge can be really effective if you simply take the time and effort to focus your energy on the little things you may have been neglecting lately.

What aspects of your healthy lifestyle could use some fine-tuning? Be honest with yourself!

  • Have you been tracking your food?

  • Have you been giving it your all during your workouts?

  • Have you been letting mindless snacking get the best of you?

  • The most important thing is to not give up if you do have an "&" day (Iowa State Fair anyone?).

This challenge is not about all-or-nothing thinking; it's about doing the best you can. If you slip up, get right back on track at the very next opportunity—no pity parties allowed!

Are you ready to get re-focused & re-committed? What habits will you be focusing on?


A Dietitian’s Ultimate Guide to Earning an A+ in Snacking On-the-Go


  • Fresh fruits: clementine, kiwi, apple, grapes, banana (+ sunflower butter, optional)

  • BYO trail mix: Cheerios, sunflower seeds, raisins, Teddy Grahams, dried fruit

  • Fairlife chocolate milk

  • GoGo Squeez applesauce

  • Snack Factory pretzel crisps (+ hummus with an ice pack)

  • Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop popcorn (snack pack size)

  • Beanitos puffs

  • Somersaults


  • Fresh fruits & veggies: grapes, kiwi, peach, pear, apple, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, edamame

  • Triscuits + mozzarella cheese stick

  • Skinny Pop popcorn (snack pack size)

  • Pistachios

  • Baby carrots, bell pepper strips + guacamole cup

  • Hard-boiled eggs

  • Cottage cheese + pineapple or red bell peppers

  • Enlightened Broad Beans

  • Chike Iced Coffee Protein Powder

Need more inspiration, motivation and clarification on what foods are best for a healthier you? Ask an expert! Registered Dietitians are skilled on helping you live a healthy lifestyle that’s right for you.

Topic: Back-to-School Solutions (Option 2)

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Earning an A+ in snacking on-the-go has never been easier! Consider this Ultimate Snack Guide composed of #HyVeeDietitianApproved favorites:

  • A- Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop popcorn, GoGo Squeez applesauce

  • B- BYO trail mix (Cheerios, sunflower seeds, raisins, Teddy Grahams & dried fruit)

  • C- Clementines, cherry tomatoes + Triscuits, or chocolate milk

  • D- Dips (hummus or guac cups) with baby carrots & bell pepper strips

  • #HyVeeDietitian

A+ Snacking Guide

Wishing you a healthy and happy back-to-school season,

Erin Good, RD, LD

Erin Good is a community dietitian at Waukee Hy-Vee. Erin is passionate about guiding,

motivating and helping others achieve a happy, healthy lifestyle.


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