Facts about Corporate Sponsorship
Questions occasionally arise about the Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (IAND), an affiliate of
the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, corporate sponsorship program and whether sponsorships
exude influence on nutrition services, products, and information to IAND members.
IAND upholds the Academy’s stance on sponsorships and the scientific foundation of the Registered
Dietitian profession. However, as a non-profit organization that is focused on providing our Iowa
members the best opportunities and service possible, including: the IAND website, annual meeting,
legislative day, scholarships, and more, additional funding is needed. Consequently, obtaining
sponsorships provides IAND members the opportunity to participate in local and state events without
harboring the full financial responsibility.
For this reason the IAND Board and Council hand selects our yearly sponsors to assure they meet the
mission and vision of the IAND organization. To provide transparency, IAND shares blogs, social
media and logos from our approved sponsors on our website.
By obtaining corporate sponsorships it enables IAND – as it does for nonprofit organizations and
associations nationwide – to reach a wider audience while building awareness of the Registered
Dietitian profession that would otherwise not be possible.
Corporate Sponsorship - Briefing
IAND upholds the Academy’s stance on sponsorships and the scientific foundation of the Registered
Dietitian profession. As a non-profit organization that is focused on providing our Iowa members the
best opportunities and service possible it is important for IAND to obtain sponsorships to help reduce
member financial responsibility for local and state events. By obtaining corporate sponsorships it also
allows IAND to reach a wider audience while building awareness of the Registered Dietitian profession
that would otherwise not be possible.