Jul 26, 20221 min

Council for Pediatric Nutrition Professionals -

The North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN) and the Council for Pediatric Nutrition Professionals (CPNP) invites you to their Annual Meeting and Nutrition Symposium on October 14th-15th, 2022 in Orlando, Florida.

Registration for the CPNP Nutrition Symposium includes a full day of CPNP events on Saturday October 15th, as well as access to the NASPGHAN Annual Meeting events on October 14th and 15th. This year is particularly special because we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of NASPGHAN, the 10th anniversary of CPNP, and our first in-person conference in 2 years!

Several talks will also be recorded for online viewing.

Some highlights are:

  • Advice for navigating formula shortages and other crises

  • Growth chart interpretations

  • Nutrition support for challenging patients

  • Utility of uncommon anthropometric measurements

  • International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI): a hands-on workshop to play with food!

  • Diet & IBD: getting into the details of the many therapeutic diets

  • A special collaboration with NASPGHAN with topics including EoE, IBS, blenderized tube feeds, and fad diets.

  • Our first CPNP Awards Presentation

  • CPNP Abstracts & Posters

Check out this link for the full CPNP Symposium schedule and this link for the full NASPGHAN Annual Meeting schedule.

Register here! Early bird deadline is 8/31. $150 for CPNP members during early bird registration.